Tuesday, August 17, 2010


3 words... Var. Sit. Tee.

Ashtyn told me when she was 12 years old that she would make the Varsity Volleyball team when she was a freshman! She said that this was going to be her goal and asked if we would help her achieve it.
She got a lot of different opinions on why she should shoot for J.V.and not dream something so big!! set her expectations to something that could be reached!
but there were those few that would tell her that if she set that goal and worked hard and kept her eye on the prize she would get there!


Congrats Ash I always knew you could do it!! We are so proud of you. I know how hard you worked to get here and you did it!
Sky's the limit for you baby!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Ash!! Let us know when your games are!

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