What a trip!! Ash & I left Idaho Falls at 5am on June 23,2010 and got to Reno at about 6ish that evening! First of all, it is the first time Ash & I have gone that far away from home by ourselves.
I guess I never realized how much I depended on Ben on these trips we take! ;) Doing all of the driving, gassing up the car, washing the windshield and carrying all the luggage into the hotel. Not that I haven't done it before but this time it was different, maybe it was just being so far away from home, or the Casino life making me a little nervous!
The first night we checked into the hotel we thought we would go to bed early because Ash had to be at the Convention Center at 7am, and we were tired and hot from that endless drive..so we got into bed and realized our windows were shaking because the music was SO loud!! I got up and pulled the curtains open and looked down at the pool area. The hotel turns the pool area into a night club!!! "Reno style"!! no one had hardly a stitch of clothes on and there were pole dancers in the center of the court yard & music so loud I could hardly hear myself think!! So.. knowing me, I call down to the front desk in a rage! Shouldn't they be more careful? This hotel IS filled to capacity with mostly 14 year old girls playing in the Jr. Olympics! The lady very "nicely" (not really) said "welcome to RENO" I guess I put the phone down after I picked my jaw up off the floor! After that, we only had our curtains open during the day!! But lucky for us at 2:30am they had to turn the music off! :)
The team played amazing! We went in placed at 45 and we ended in the 19th place Nationally! We did not place with a medal, we lost the bronze medal Championship game to Texas! But it really didn't matter, the girls gave all they had and that is all we could ask for! :) Our team was by far the smallest as far as size goes. We played girls that were over 6 feet and only 14!
When you go to the J.O.'s you give your opponents a gift that represents your State. The Idaho Potato Commission gave us "Spuddy Buddy" dolls and a bag of instant potatoes! Our gifts were by far the best ones there!! The team played 3 games a day and in the afternoon had a team activity and a meal together. Ash made tons of new friends from all over the Country and memories to last a lifetime! The last day some of the girls played the coaches in a beach volleyball game! That was fun to watch! Almost as exciting as the J.O.'s!
A special Thanks to all of her sponsors: Grandma and Grandpa Durfey, who not only gave Ash spending money but came to every game she played all year. They came all the way to Reno to support her.
Grandma Holley & Hal who worked tirelessly to get her sponsors and support her all the time in Volleyball.
Great Grandma Rees. Uncle Bryce and Aunt Aubrey for letting us crash their house every other weekend from Jan-April!! and making time to come watch the girls play!
North Ogden City Firefighters, who don't even know her, but were generous enough to help her out! Thank You guys truly! (Ash says she will bake something for you and bring it down) :)
PaPa Schow who is always giving Ash whatever she needs/wants to help her excel in the sport.
Mathews Plumbing who was so generous with her, Thanks Jody & Gavin!
Kevin Searle and GPOD.
Ash feels blessed to have so many good people who support her!

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Cute post! What a fun experience! (Minus the car troubles----yucky! But at least it turned out ok in the end!)
Glad you had a great time and made memories for a lifetime!!! Love you guys!
Oh! It sounds like such a blast! Luved seeing the fun pix of Ash playin' ball ! Great job Ash! I'm glad everything turned out OK and you made the best of your vacation.
The kids are getting soooo big! I need to come see you more often! luv ya!
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