I have NO idea how and why time flies by so quickly..
I really try not to let it make me sad, and really just try my best
to savor these ones I love so much..
we all say as mothers...these little ones are the best part of our lives..
in reality...
they are the best part of ourselves..
and time..just teaches us to be present and enjoy them..
..this I know...
because somehow..I blinked...
and she turned
It is a tradition with our kids to wake them up at MIDNIGHT the morning of their birthday..they LOVE IT! Ben and I set the alarm and wake them up and sing happy birthday to them! We are never organized enough to find candles and something to put them in, so we usually just wing it and use what ever we can find around the house!
I usually try to get some good pictures so they can laugh at them the next morning...
This year was different though..I cried after we sang to her...
..the reality hit me...3 more years is all we have left with her before she is all grown up and off to college..
have we done enough to prepare her for life? I don't know..
what I do know...is that she has been the greatest gift I have ever been given!
We love YOU Ash!!!
Happy 15th baby girl!

Ash had volleyball practice on her Birthday so we took cupcakes to celebrate! She just loves her team mates..Jacque is such a jokester and such a fun girl! She took Ash's cupcake and shoved it right in her face...I caught this one right before it happened..you can see her getting ready to give it a shove right to Ash's face!!

So they had fun with it and got icing all over each other!!