They’ll learn much more than we’ll ever know
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world.”
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world.”
I knew it would happen, but honestly thought time would move slower than it has. My baby is 14 today! People used to say to me, "enjoy every minute because it will be gone tomorrow! " I knew I was enjoying my little ones, and also knew it would go quickly...just not this quickly!!
Ashtyn Sarai came into this world on April 21, 1996. She was such a joy from the second she was born! She was born with this "old soul" sort of spirit. She has always had this amazing wisdom about her that radiates to everyone around her.
We are so blessed that she chose us to be her parents! She teaches me everyday about unconditional love, patience and understanding, and was sent here to bring such happiness into our lives. She is so loved, cherished, and appreciated. How lucky I am to call her daughter.
I am always amazed as I watch her grow. Ashtyn has become such a lady. Conversation with her is enough to fill my heart and break it at the same time. Oh, how she is growing…
things i want to remember about ash this past year...
she always tries to make everyone around her happy
she loves animals
every morning she says "it's going to be an AMAZING day"
she loves Volkswagen Bugs and Hummers
volleyball is her life
make-up is her new BFF
she wants a new purse every time we go to the store, but she never carries them. :)
her eyes dance when she laughs
her eyes dance when she laughs
Christmas is her favorite Holiday
she loves the Gospel
she loves the Gospel
hanging out at Great Grandma Rees'
Ash, Chan & Kyah Marie
Fishing at the trout farm in Utah
Ash and Alissa Morrison