Chan is on the same fast track as her sis doing a lot of the same things, she goes to volleyball as well but on different days! Which is a little bit of a stress on me having to drive them down there all the time, but luckily I have another mom to car pool with for Chan. The girls go to Salt Lake about 3 times a month for tournaments (on alternate weekends because they are on separate teams) it is really fun to watch them grow in the sport, they are improving all the time!
Jensen is loving this warmer weather we have been having, and plays outside with his football alot lately! I am really excited that he gets to play grid kid this Fall. He loves Football and even has his Madden 2010 (Wii game) down to an art! This week he has been busy working on a "Sea Creature" report for school, he is learning about surfing the net for facts and seems to be enjoying that all too much! *wink* He and his dad are excited for Spring so they can get out with their guns and get some shooting in! That is their favorite time together.
Anzleigh is just our little ball of fire! She loves anything that has to do with "MAKING MESSES" especially ones that I have to clean up! She is into inventing food recipes! Her newest creation was a salad that consisted of lettuce, apples, pepperoni, crushed up ritz crackers, sour cream and topped with sliced olives!! Try to keep a straight face while she is making you taste it and waiting for the "it is so wonderful" reply!! It is so hard to keep up with her! I love her personality! She is never boring we will just say that!! :)
Blayre is saying more words every day and growing up so fast!! She is speaking in sentences here and there, she loves to go to Church. Her favorite things are Chocolate milk, blankets, babies, purses,bubbles and raisins!
Ben and I are just loving being parents! Some days are harder than others but we love our life!
I know one day we will look back on these days and wish we had them back! :)
I know it should't bring tears to my eyes to see my children grow…but rather happiness and greatful appreciation for each day that I am blessed to watch them grow and to teach them while they are here with us. I am grateful they are healthy…that they are strong. Even more..I am thankful for the blessing of my days here on earth to watch over them. In all of life’s fraility, I know I can never take for granted just the miracle of another day with the people I love. I am thankful for the tears in my eyes that teach me that motherhood is beautiful, fun, hard, exhausting, joyous, and even sad at times.