Thanksgiving went far too fast this year! I had intentions of having an amazing dinner with even better company! Bryce, Aubrey & Jayda came up to spend it with us this was SO SO fun to have them but the few days passed far too quickly, we enjoy having them so much it always seems to go by so fast! We really did have a lot of fun eating, sledding, and playing with Jayda! We didn't even get out to the Black Friday Sales this year. :(
But all in all we did have a wonderful holiday! It is always so much funner with company to share it with.
Blayre has not stopped asking when Jayda is coming back since they left!
I have so very much to be grateful for..My family. Loving husband who adores me and is such an amazing father. Great friends. The gospel. Health. I am so blessed :)
I did not even get out my camera for Thanksgiving~ I cannot believe it! This is not like me either.. I am not quite sure what I was thinking.. :( I am regretting not having those memories documented!
Anz & Blayre got a newly remodeled room this week as well. Winter is about the only time of year we can get projects done around the house, with Ben's busy work schedule!
I had tons of fun creating it with Anz's suggestions! Everyone who knows us knows we absolutely love glitter so we were able to put some BLING in the room as well..that was fun!
She knew exactly what she wanted!!
"A DIVA ROOM WITH A DISCO BALL FOR DANCE PARTIES!!" .. haha!! (Santa is going to bring the disco ball)
So..the room goes right along with the personality of our little diva! She loves it, so I guess we did ok!
Thank you Andrea for picking up the quilt for me I appreciated it so much! :)